
我看书斋>flipped中英双语版 > 第30部分(第1页)


some time to get over all those years of having liked him。”

Mom sat there for the longest time; biting her cheek。 Then she said; “People do change; you

know。 Maybe hes had some revelations lately; too。

And frankly; any boy who tries to kiss a girl in front of a room full of other kids does not sound

like a coward to me。” She stroked my hair and

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whispered; “Maybe theres more to Bryce Loski than you know。”

Then she left me alone with my thoughts。

My mother knew I needed time to think; but Bryce wouldnt leave me alone。 He kept calling

on the phone and knocking on the door。 He even snuck

around the house and tapped on my window! Every time I turned around; there he was;

pestering me。

I wanted to be able to water the yard in peace。 I wanted not to have to avoid him at school or

have Darla run block for me。 Why didnt he

understand that I wasnt interested in what he had to say? What could he possibly have to


Was it so much to ask just to be left alone?

Then this afternoon I was reading a book in the front room with the curtains drawn; hiding

from him as I had all week; when I heard a noise in the

yard。 I peeked outside and there was Bryce; walking across my grass。 Stomping all over my

grass! And he was carrying a spade! What was he

planning to do with that?

I flew off the couch and yanked open the door and ran right into my father。 “Stop him!” I cried。

“Calm down; Julianna;” he said; and eased me back inside。 “I gave him permission。”

“Permission! Permission to do what?” I flew back to the window。 “Hes digging a hole。”

“Thats right。 I told him he could。”

“But why?”

“I think the boy has a very good idea; thats why。”


“Its not going to kill your grass; Julianna。 Just let him do what hes e to do。”

“But what is it? Whats he doing?”

“Watch。 Youll figure it out。”

It was torture seeing him dig up my grass。 The hole he was making was enormous! How

could my father let him do this to my yard?

Bryce knew I was there; too; because he looked at me once and nodded。 No smile; no wave;

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