
我看书斋>flipped中英双语版 > 第16部分(第1页)


“Oh;” I said。 “Well; yes。 That is what I was thinking。 Although now I dont know。 Do you think

it would look better to just take them out?”

He shook his head and said; “Theyre Australian tea shrubs。 Theyll prune up nicely。” And

with that; he put on his gloves and started clipping。

At first I didnt know what to say to this man。 It was very strange to be getting his help; but

from the way he was acting; it was as though I shouldnt

have thought a thing of it。 Clip…clip…clip; he went; like this was something he really enjoyed


Then I remembered what Bryce had said about our yard; and suddenly I knew why he was


“Whats the matter?” he asked; throwing his clippings into my pile。 “Did I cut it down too far?”


“Then why the look?” he asked。 “I dont mean to make you unfortable。 I just thought you

might like a little help。”

“Well; I dont。 I can do this by myself。”

He laughed and said; “Oh; I have no doubt about that;” then got back to clipping。 “You see;

Julianna; I read about you in the paper; and Ive lived

across the street from you for over a year now。 Its easy to see that youre a very petent


inute; but I found myself throwing the clippings into the pile

harder and harder。 And before long I couldnt stand it。 I

just couldnt stand it! I spun on him and said; “Youre here because you feel bad about the

eggs; arent you? Well; our eggs are perfectly fine! Weve

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been eating them for nearly three years and none of us have gotten poisoned。 Mrs。 Stueby

and Mrs。 Helms seem in good health to me; too; and the

fact of the matter is; if you didnt want them; you shouldve just told me so!”

His hands fell to his sides and he shook his head as he said; “Eggs? Poisoned? Julianna; I

have no idea what youre talking about。”

Inside I was so angry and hurt and embarrassed that I didnt even feel like me。 “Im talking

about the eggs that Ive been bringing over to your

house for more than two years— eggs that my chickens laid that I couldve sold! Eggs that

your family has been throwing away!” I was shouting at

him。 Shouting at an adult; like Id never shouted at anyone in my entire life。

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