
我看书斋>flipped英文版pdf百度 > 第2部分(第4页)


there was a family with a boy my age moving into the new house right across the street。

Soccer camp had ended; and Id been so bored because there was nobody; absolutely

nobody; in the neighborhood to play with。 Oh; there were

kids; but every one of them was older。 That was dandy for my brothers; but what it left me

was home alone。

My mother was there; but she had better things to do than kick a soccer ball around。 So she

said; anyway。 At the time I didnt think there was

anything better than kicking a soccer ball around; especially not the likes of laundry or dishes

or vacuuming; but my mother didnt agree。 And the

danger of being home alone with her was that shed recruit me to help her wash or dust or

vacuum; and she wouldnt tolerate the dribbling of a

soccer ball around the house as I moved from chore to chore。

To play it safe; I waited outside for weeks; just in case the new neighbors moved in early。

Literally; it was weeks。 I entertained myself by playing

soccer with our dog; Champ。 Mostly hed just block because a dog cant exactly kick and

score; but once in a while hed dribble with his nose。 The

scent of a ball must overwhelm a dog; though; because Champ would eventually try to

chomp it; then lose the ball to me。

When the Loskis moving van finally arrived; everyone in my family was happy。 “Little

Julianna” was finally going to have a playmate。

My mother; being the truly sensible adult that she is; made me wait more than an hour

before going over to meet him。 “Give them a chance to

stretch their legs; Julianna;” she said。 “Theyll want some time to adjust。” She wouldnt even

let me watch from the yard。 “I know you; sweetheart。

Somehow that ball will wind up in their yard and youll just have to go retrieve it。”

So I watched from the window; and every few minutes Id ask; “Now?” and shed say; “Give

them a little while longer; would you?”

Then the phone rang。 And the minute I was sure she was good and preoccupied; I tugged on

her sleeve and asked; “Now?”

She nodded and whispered; “Okay; but take it easy! Ill be over there in a minute。”

I was too excited not to charge across the street; but I did try very hard to be civilized once I

got to the moving van。 I stood outside looking in for a

record…breaking length of time; which was hard because there he was! About halfway back!

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